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Save the dateFebruary 19, 202512:00 PM - 1:30 PM (MST) Add to Calendar
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Ramada by Wyndham Northern Grand Hotel & Conference Centre

100 Avenue 9830
Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada

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Event Details
Event Details

Doig River First Nation's Land Use Plan, including K'ih tsaa?dze Tribal Park

Doig River First Nation is excited to invite members of the FSJ Chamber of Commerce to attend an engaging and informative Lunch and Learn focused on Doig River First Nation's Land Use Plan, including K'ih tsaa?dze Tribal Park planning.

Chief Makadahay, Band Manager Shona Nelson, and members of Doig River First Nation's team will share a brief presentation, followed by questions and discussion. Your voice matters, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and insights.

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